

What Does Cancer Do to Your Body?

what does cancer do to your body

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease in which a few of the body's cells develop out of control and spread to other different organ systems. CTI provides you with the best cancer treatment in Bangalore with a proper diagnosis and treatments. 

How do cancer cells spread all around the body?

There will be many instances when cancer can be found throughout the body. These cancers are frequently not separate subtypes. Instead, cancer has started in one tissue and moved to subsequent areas. The growth of cancer is referred to as "metastasis."

In metastasis, cancer cells separate from the site of their initial formation, move through the blood or lymphatic system and create new tumors in various parts of the body. Cancer can spread to almost anywhere in the body. But it frequently spreads to your liver, lungs, or bones.

The cancer cells that make up these new tumors are the same as those that made up the initial tumor. For example, lung cancer cells that are found in the brain don’t look like brain cells. Instead of brain cancer, we would refer to this condition as metastatic lung cancer.

Cancer cells can be sent to a facility for examinations to determine where the cells came from. The medical team is better able to recommend a treatment plan when they are aware of the cancer's type as well as its spread. The purpose of treatment is to either relieve symptoms or to slow or stop the spread of cancer.


What impact does cancer have on the body?

Here, are some of the impacts of cancer on the body include:

  1. Damage to healthy tissues: As cancer cells grow and divide, they can invade and destroy healthy tissues and organs in the body.
  2. Tumor formation: Cancer cells can form a mass of abnormal tissue called a tumor. 
  3. Impaired immune system function: Cancer can weaken the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight infections and other illnesses.
  4. Pain: Cancer can cause pain by putting pressure on surrounding tissues or by growing into nerves.
  5. Weight loss and fatigue: Cancer can cause weight loss and fatigue by interfering with the body's ability to metabolize food and by producing substances that cause fatigue.
  6. Metastasis: Cancer cells can break away from the original tumor and spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system, a process known as metastasis.
  7. Paraneoplastic syndrome: Some types of cancer can produce hormones and other substances that can cause a range of symptoms and complications, including weight loss, fever, and neurological problems.


What are the treatments for Cancer?

Here are some common treatments for cancer:

  1. Surgery: This involves removing the cancerous tumor and surrounding tissue. Surgery is often the first treatment for solid tumors and can be curative if the cancer has not spread beyond the tumor.
  2. Radiation therapy: This uses high-energy X-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells or shrink tumors. It can be used alone or in combination with surgery and/or chemotherapy.
  3. Chemotherapy: This involves using drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. Both oral or intravenous chemotherapy techniques are available.
  4. Immunotherapy: This is a type of treatment that helps the immune system fight cancer by stimulating or restoring the body's natural defenses. Immunotherapy can be used both alone as well as in conjunction with other medical procedures.
  5. Hormone therapy: This is used to treat cancers that are sensitive to hormones, such as breast and prostate cancer. Hormone therapy works by blocking the production or action of hormones that fuel cancer growth.
  6. Targeted therapy: This is a type of treatment that targets specific genes or proteins that are involved in the growth and survival of cancer cells. Targeted therapy can be given alone or in combination with other treatments.

Signs and symptoms of Cancer

Here are some common signs and symptoms of cancer:

  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Continuous pain and discomfort
  • Changes in the skin
  • Changes in bowel or bladder habits
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Persistent cough or hoarseness
  • Unusual lumps or swelling in the body
  • Bleeding or bruising

Overall, cancer can have a significant impact on the body and its functioning. Early detection and treatment can help minimize the effects of cancer and improve outcomes. CTI is the best cancer doctors in Bangalore and offers world-class cancer treatment for your health and condition.